Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Professional Development

Some people aren’t crazy about attending professional development seminars. They might worry about the cost, the time away from home, or the pure hassle that traveling means these days. I think of conferences in terms Stephen Covey originated in his book “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.” Covey refers to Habit No. 7 as, “sharpening the saw,” that is, keeping yourself sharp. Conferences keep law enforcement officers sharp.

I wouldn’t miss the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association (ILEETA) Annual Conference for just this reason…keeping the saw sharp. It is helpful to step away from the day-to-day rigors of policing. It is only in stepping away for a short time that you can get a better perspective on how good policing can be done better through training by top professionals from all over the country. I always come back from this kind of conference energized and ready to use innovative ways to get the job done.

As a police administrator, it is not necessary that I do the job of an investigating or K-9 officer.  However, it is necessary that I have current information about cutting-edge technology, applicable court decisions, and the newest training techniques which may affect his or her job.

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