Saturday, August 20, 2011

Linked in - Active Shooter Discussion Forum

A fellow member of Linked In's Active Shooter Shooter Intervention forum posed a question regarding the efficacy of training military service members to respond independently to a threat, the so-called, "Solo Engagement Response Training."

My fellow forum members had differing opinions.  One police professional posited that individuals should be discouraged from responding alone to an active shooter.  I feel differently.

Changing times and threats require more than one way to respond to terminate an active threat.   Only individual circumstances and officer discretion can determine the most appropriate response in a given situation.  Continual and effective training helps develop appropriate responses while under fire.   

Whatever a department's policy may be, law enforcement cannot overlook the possibility an officer may be in a solo response situation. If an officer on scene has a tactical advantage over an active shooter should the officer take action to terminate the threat or wait? This possibility requires officers be trained to terminate the threat, alone, with a buddy, or a team. If an officer determines a solo response is to his or her advantage, then that option should not be taken away from the him or her. The officer has a duty to defend others and has a right to protect him or herself.

Departmental commitment and dedication to training will keep officers standing, whatever the threat.

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