Monday, September 5, 2011

9/11 Changed Our Approach Not Our Character

As much as we have changed our thinking and strategy regarding terrorism as of 9/11, as a nation we remain very much the same. This is American strength of character and should not to be perceived as a weakness.

These days, our local, county, state and federal agencies still function as we did prior to 9/11. Each agency maintains its identity.  It is now accepted that local jurisdictions assist the lead agency in secondary roles while we manage the threat at hand.

Since the creation of Homeland Security¸ all levels of law enforcement are interconnected as one. Each is able to act in unison if circumstances require it. The changes in place to law enforcement are many and are ever changing; yet we have maintained our identity as a government and a nation. 

As Rudolph Giuliani said, “New York and the United States are stronger than any group of barbaric terrorists…We are bound together.  We will remain bound together.”

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